Friday, May 22, 2009

Lets Get Together!

So as you have noticed on the side I have made a poll to help decide what we should do when we meet up.

Now I need to know what you suggest for a possible date in July. Take a gander at your calenders and post it in the comments. Then we can vote on them!

Remember you don't need to register to comment!



  1. Hello! :)
    This is Lili from the lolita fashion forums, were talking about anime iowa and stuff...
    Anywho, the only dates for a meet-up that *don't* work for me are July 9-12 (most likely)

  2. *we were, not were.
    Sorry, typo.

  3. Hi, I posted on your thread on the lolita fashion forums. I'd love to meet up! I live in Des Moines, but I'm not going to anime iowa

  4. Hello!
    This is Lili.
    Are you still planning to do a meetup?
    If so, the dates that don't work for me have changed. They are now the 12th - 16th of July.
    If not, see you at AnimeIowa!
