Thursday, May 21, 2009

Iowa Lolita FAQs

So either you have talked to me on an other forum and found your way here or you just browsing and came across us! Either way you might have some questions and I am here to answer them.

What is Lolita?
Lolita is a fashion style that is based on Victorian fasion. It has nothing to do with the book. It is a very modest fashion. For more detailed information visit:

What does a Lolita outfit entail?
There are several sites that you can use to learn about the history and the styles associated with lolita. Although every style has the basics in common. A skirt or dress that goes to your knees, tights or knee high socks, mary jane style shoes, a blouse (if wearing a skirt or jumper), a petticoat and sometimes bloomers.

Is Lolita the same as cosplay?
No. Lolita is a fashion trend, not cosplay. Although there are some characters in anime/manga (Chobits and Death Note come to mind). If you choose to dress as those characters it is cosplay and not Lolita. Although there are theme lolitas. A themed outfit is one that follows all the rules of Lolita. A good example is a themed dress that has the colors of a sports team, and might even have their logo on the dress but is not a jersey.

What should I do with my hair?
So many possibilities! Ringlets, straight, wavy are all very beautiful. Pig tails, pony tails are cute as well! The best advice I can give is to find a hairstyle that looks great with your outfit. Or in my case - figure out what your hair will even do that day! Mine has a mind of it's own! :P

Who can wear Lolita?
Everyone! There are several different styles and it is a very flattering style for everyone.

How much does it cost?
This one depends on what you buy, where you buy it or if you decide to make it yourself. Before you buy do research on the company and read several reviews. If you decide to make your outfit then you can ask others for advice. There are patterns available through the Lolita Bibles yet those tend to be in Japanese and in smaller sizes. There are patterns that you can modify for Lolita and some prefer to make cut sews or their own patterns.

I'm a boy, can I wear Lolita?
Yes! There are many styles available to boys as well! All it takes is a little research and you will find the perfect style. You can wear any type of Lolita, even dresses and skirts! Girls can also wear the 'boy' style clothes as well.

Where should I wear Lolita?
Just like every other style, there is a time and a place to wear it. Where that is, is your decision. Lolita can be more casual or very dressy. Wearing Lolita with a cute apron can be fun for baking. You might also want to consider the weather, for us Iowans the winters can get pretty harsh.

What is a meet up?
That is when you get together with other Lolis and do something fun. Hanging out at a nice park, having a picnic, getting afternoon tea or even going to a concert or theater! All of these are great ways to have fun.

How much will I have to spend for a meet up?
This will depend on what you do! A great inexpensive meet up is picnic in a park where everyone brings a dish to share.

Where can I meet Lolitas from all over the world?
A great forum that I frequent is it is a very friendly site with Lolitas that have been wearing this fashion for many years. They give great advice and can answer almost any question you have. There are others as well but I do not have personal experience with them.

If you have any other question, or if you would like to improve on this post either write in the comments or email


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